Twitter Posts

Are you trying to export data from Twitter Posts? This article is for you!

With Collector, you can do this effortlessly with our AI-powered chrome extension.

Simply navigate to and click the Collector chrome extension icon. This will display a table preview with columns including:
  • Username
  • Tweet Content
  • Likes
  • Retweets
  • Post Date

If you're happy with this, you can simply click the "Download"button, this will download a CSV file with all the data.

If you need additional information such as
  • Replies
  • Hashtags
you can click on the row and the url will be displayed in the top left corner of the table.

If you are looking for more rows of tweet, you can click Get More Rows > Infinite Scroll button. Then Collector will automatically scroll to the bottom of the page for you.

If this doesn't work, you can always manually scroll to the bottom.